Unravel Me


OK, let's switch gears from my search for a new acupuncturist for a moment. first, two things that make me happy are that today = veterans day (a.k.a. no work!), and tonight = a combined engagement & birthday partay. will i raise a glass? sure, i'll drink to that! should be fun. BUT right this minute? oh, my brain is spinning & i'm trying not to get panicky. why? WHY? well, let's see � it's time for some brain aerobics:

1) do you know what PUSILLANIMOUS means? i do*! haha. but that's the english major in me. plus, that word was the subject of an inside joke many years ago. but what about OBSTREPEROUS, or SENTENTIOUS? no idea? me neither**. but i'm working on memorizing them because that knowledge could change the course of my future, cryptic as it sounds.

2) ok, now can you figure this one out? Multiple Choice Question:***

A professor is choosing students to attend a special seminar. She has 10 students to choose from, and only four may be chosen. How many different ways are there to make up the four students chosen for the seminar?
A) 24
B) 120
C) 180
D) 210
E) 360
my future may depend on me being able to tackle this kind of stuff. do you know what i'm trying to tell you? now do you understand part of why i've said in my last several entries that my stress levels are up? and...wow, doesn't it suck that i have to go through this *again* because it's been too many years since i last did this (1996), therefore it's as though i never did it? and doesn't it suck even more b/c i already have a master's degree and graduated 1st in my class?

*{i'll share what "pusillanimous" means in my next entry as long as i don't get too pusillanimous myself about facing all of this}.
**{i'll share these definitions when i'm sure i know what them by heart}.
***{i'll show off my math problem-solving talent if/when i regenerate the brain cells i lost the minute i finished my h.s. calculus final, left that classroom, and sold my textbook}

what i really mean is, come check back for the answers later. joking aside, i'm scared. maybe i mysteriously developed a learning disability. or, maybe, too bad i'm retarded. wish me luck, or at least think good thoughts for me over the next few days. i need it.

1:08 p.m. ::
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