Unravel Me

"according to emeraldtiger": perspectives of a blogger

i'm so bummed that diaryland ate one of my entries earlier tonight. so i'm trying one last "weekend" entry again before hopping into bed. all good things must come to an end, and sadly, long weekends are no exception. how i'd love to skip work all this week! ANYWAY, finally...here's something i promised to write about:

remember how i recently mentioned that someone from the magazine i write for was doing an article on blogging? and remember how i was debating whether or not to share my insights? well...WOW! I DID IT! last thursday afternoon, the article writer interviewed me via telephone while i was at work. it turns out this woman is really young--she recently graduated from (the same school) in '02 and is, herself, a blogger at typepad. so i went and checked out her journal, at treadingwater.typepad.com after she told me about it. anyway, the interview was actually painless and i'm glad i agreed to it.

but don't get excited just yet. emeraldtiger territory isn't about to become a famous blog just yet! see, neither my real name nor my screen alias will be used, b/c the writer respected my wish to remain unnamed. she will only identify me in her article as "an unnamed member of the class of '9x". and yes, i�m staying locked. i was a bit apprehensive about coming out as a "blogger", but agreed to do it once i was assured of my anonymity. i managed not to stumble over my words and i think i shared some valuable opinions, insights and perspectives. if nothing else, the interview really and truly did make me think about a lot of stuff about my experiences here, (but more on that later). plus, with almost two years of blogging experience under my belt, i think i felt somewhat qualified to share my knowledge of the world of online journals. anyway, the article is due out in february. it'll be interesting to see what quotes/opionins she choses to use from me, and/or how much she edits out. maybe i'll provide the link to the article if i'm so inclined. but you'll have to remind me when february rolls around. but since i'm anonymous in the article, you won't be able to stalk me after reading it. haha! okay, time for bed.

your famous yet anonymous blogger

11:55 p.m. ::
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