Unravel Me

touch me, caress me, sculpt me, & maybe then we'll talk about blogging

touch me, caress me, sculpt me, & maybe then we'll talk about blogging...

ooh, mmm, ahh--that feels good! i'm still in a decent mood on this soggy tuesday night, despite having an ear infection & a large side-order of nausea**. that's sayin' a lot b/c damn, my left ear fuckin' hurts. today's "happiness" is especially welcome b/c yesterday's funeral was more emotionally draining than expected, and the staff mtng (held right before the memorial service, i might add), dragged on as predicted. SO, my magic euphoria stems from physical therapy/massage this morning before work. but it doesn't end there: at today's session, i did pilates for the first time and loved it! can't wait to go again on thursday morning.

i started yoga in '97, but became curious about pilates after seeing a '99 washington post article on it. i later read that jodie foster, neve campbell, sarah jessica parker, and madonna all used it to achieve taut, wiry, sculpted looks. my PT thinks pilates will benefit me in the long run by helping me continue healing from the accident. and since she prescribed it for neck pain, my insurance *may* cover some private lessons if i continue pilates after finishing the accident/liability-related PT. wow--imagine healing pain and getting a body to die for in the process! aw, come on...you know you want me! wanna go make out? ;-)

in other news, that $40 backnobber is cheaper online! i could put it on my wishlist and drop hints before christmas since this amazon listing says $29. ooh--i see no one's reviewed it yet, so i could be the first! another option: it turns out my PT was correct in saying that lhasa oms acupuncture supply company, would have the best deal--$26.50, baby! so yay for me! i see many massages and pilates lessons in my future, along with the other good stuff i've already got going. mmm hmm! just don't upset me or i'll come after you with my backnobber. haha!

finally, my alumnae magazine editor gave me the name of the writer doing that blogging article. so wow! to my relief, the writer *may* talk to alumna bloggers who wish to remain completely anonymous since she thinks many good blogs are anonymous. if so, what i'm willing to share in an interview, is how/why i started blogging, my perspectives on using it as an expressive outlet, its pros/cons and that sort of thing. but the idea of being "outed" as a closet-blogger scares me, you know? my family/friends IRL are unaware of this special space i keep, and it should stay that way. yet, sharing my insight into blogging could be fun. the main thing is that i don't want my real name associated w/ blogging in any way, nor do i want my screen name revealed in the article, b/c i'm passworded and not after diary fame, and don't want people who read the article to come knocking and requesting a password, especially if i know them. so i'm torn and wondering: would my perspective be interesting for non-bloggers (or other bloggers) to read? hmm...what should i do?

**PS: i don't recommmend chewy ginger candy as a first-line nausea remedy b/c it set my mouth on fire. does anyone here know of other nausea relievers (that do not burn one's mouth)?

8:01 p.m. ::
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