Unravel Me

drunken dribbles: what i learned over a gimlet tonight

drunken dribbles: what i learned over a gimlet tonight ...

[this is today's 2nd update!]

remember how i'm a fan of useless random trivia and intellectual clutter? some things don't change. i still collect information like this. i also wrote about life handing me lemons & limes a long time ago. what to do with them?

this evening, i learned some more random knowledge: see, i had a gimlet this evening (vodka, not gin). and while imbibing, i learned some cocktail lore: apparently the drink was invented by the British Royal Navy as a way to prevent scurvy! the mixture was a successful way to get sailors to drink lime juice--as it was good source of vitamin C. back then, the gimlet was considered a medicinal tonic rather than a refreshing beverage. and, it had a dubioius reputation as a misdirected daquiri. whatever that means. hmmm....anyway my friend said it's still more popular in england than over here, where the martini still wins out. martinis are nice, but i think i'm with the english on this one.

oh, and i also found out the drink got its name from the tool of the same name--a corkscrew type of device--that was sent along with lime juice containers to british colonies in the 18th century. hmmm...how much truth is to all that?

regardless, it's one more bit of trivia to clutter my melon.


PS: my friend's boyfriend is obsessed with the madonna-britney spears lip locker and keeps going on and on about it. LOL! isn't that funny?

or maybe it's me...gosh, i'm all giggly and right now everything is funny. i'm tipsy. and i need some sleep.

12:31 a.m. ::
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