Unravel Me

"i said to my reflection let's get out of this place"...

"i said to my reflection let's get out of this place"...

right now i'm listening to my beloved "squeeze" cd. boy, i haven't listened to it in ages! isn't it amazing how the way you feel physically can really affect how good or bad you feel about yourself?

uh yeah. i feel incredibly huge--like i want to lose about 10-15 lbs. but then i ask myself: should i really do it? is it worth it? do i really need to shed pounds? i'm really struggling with this stuff and hate it. it's such a slippery slope to be on. at 112 lbs, i should probably leave well enough alone and not feel fat, and just blame it on having a bean burrito for lunch. that and cherry coke. maybe that's all it is. that and pms.

ANYWAY...what else to report?

i'm on a real movie kick. i think i want to see "the italian job". and i can't say it enough: "le divorce" sucked balls. and i watched "crouching tiger, hidden dragon" last night. and i have a copy of "blue crush". seriously, i'm mourning the loss of summer. so "blue crush" just may be the answer and i hope to lose myself in it.

and speaking of summer, i gave my dad that book i bought at kinokuniya bookstore in uwajimaya when i was in seattle in july. it was a book on japanese brush painting and he LOVED it! so yay!

5:01 p.m. ::
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