Unravel Me

Meet me on Robson Street. Then,Take Me Up To Whistler.

No, I haven't been w/o power all week, the way some of my friends and professors have been. I didn't get buried under snow. But I've finally come out of hibernation after hunkering down last Thursday night for the blizzard. A week ago, we were expecting 22+ inches of snow, and even my school closed. Unbelievable! The aftermath is that the roads have patches of ice, including black ice in the early morning and after sunset. The roads are narrow and there are blind spots at intersections because the snowplows piled it high. And don't get me started on the potholes. Having said that, I'm kind of enjoying seeing decent snowcover here--it's so different from typical winters down here. I haven't see this type of snow since living in New England.

I'm ridiculously excited about the Winter Olympics--and even more so because they're in Vancouver. Let's hear it for luge, and snowboarding, and bobsled and skiing and skating and all the sports that sink into obscurity in non-Olympic years. And let's not forget my cute Olympic athlete hottie boyfriends. He's young, but I can't help but like Apolo Anton Ohno. Is it wrong? I never said I was striving to be right. And along the lines of not being right, and thinking out of the box, I can't wait to see the wondrous, colorful, shiny Johnny Weir skating to "Poker Face". Oh man. How he keeps people guessing. Talking. Or really not.

Some friends of mine just told me they have Wii Winter Olympics, and invited me to their house to play along and perfect my triple axle or alpine skiing. If the Wii Summer Olympics is any guide, then this will be a fun living room workout. I may suck at DJ Hero, but I just may be talented at Wii.

PS, Persistence pays off. The Endo clinic had an opening for tomorrow, thanks to a cancellation. I'm a wee bit anxious but hope to finally get some answers.

PPS, Job listings. Slim-pickings. Very discouraging. Can't think about it now. Must. Write. Dissertation. Must. Stay. Focused. Must. Be. Optimistic.

PPPS, Remember how I took that scary advanced statistics class on Structural Equation Modeling last spring? I'm shitting my pants b/c the methodologist on my dissertation committee is recommending that I use structural equation modeling for this project. I am scared. I took it purely for enrichment, but it's hard stuff. I don't know how to actually use it unassisted. I don't consider myself to be naturally mathematic-minded. This opens old high-school wounds. Oh how I felt frustrated and humiliated, when I hit a really rough patch in 11th grade Honors Trigonometry, failed a pop quiz on conic sections and ellipses, and got a D for that six-week grading term. Ugh. I escaped unscathed but at the time, it hurt.

10:51 p.m. ::
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