Unravel Me

My Diary Is Old-School and So Is My Laptop.

Oh wow, I shouldn't have left that crap entry up all week. That aside, I loved Thanksgiving and the short break from school.

Then again, I recently realized that if you can't come back to good old diaryland for old-school, diary-like blogging, where can you go? Right? It seems everyone has a blog now, and everyone's an expert on something, and every blog has a theme. Cooking? Single parenting? Knitting? Politics? Religion? Marathon training? Being a female scientist? Sharing your journey through fertility treatment/IVF? There's everything under the sun. While I enjoy reading a select number of blogs on blogger and wordpress or typepad, I know I certainly don't have time right now to re-craft my own identity into a specialty blog.

So. Murphy's Law says that if you're a grad student, your laptop will flatline during final exams. Not that I have exams anymore at this stage, but I do have a lot of research, etc to finish up before going out on winter break. Yes, it's looking, (or rather, sounding) like my school-issued laptop is about to bite the dust. We're talking whirring, grinding noises. Because of budget cuts, the school is unable to issue another to me, throwing me onto the market for a new laptop at just about the worst possible time for my wallet.

I would so love to get a Macbook Air or something comparably thin, instead of the heavy-as-rocks Dell I've been using. That Dell has traveled everywhere with me--to Hawaii, Colorado, New Mexico, San Diego, Boston, Canada, and St. Louis. And each time I had to lug it across the airport--especially in Honolulu--I cursed at its heaviness. You would think that laptops would be significantly thinner than they were four or five years ago. They're a little bit smaller now, but it hasn't been as dramatic as the drop in size that ipods, digital cameras and cell phones have undergone. And if you want a lightweight laptop, you still have to pay more than for a standard one. As if having something portable should be some type of extra luxury!

Alright, I'm going to be like my friend Charlie, and propose we play a little drinking game between now and the time I graduate: every time I say the word "dissertation" you take a drink. I'm sure it won't be long before you're trashed.

Time to get back to work. Yes. On my dissertation proposal.

8:14 p.m. ::
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