Unravel Me

Strait and Narrow

Won't it be interesting to hear what comes out of Palin's mouth tomorrow night? Especially after that Katie Couric interview? She was totally fumbling the whole time. Does living in Alaska and being able to wake up and look out the window at the sparkly, 53-mile wide Bering Strait really give a person foreign policy cred? The answer is a resounding "NYET!"**.

The strait may be narrow but... OK. All I'll say is that I think you have to be kind of curious about the larger world outside of your own state and country in order to be successful at helping to run, say, a nation. Right?

**nyet = Russian for "no" (i know that thanks to having had a college roommate who majored in Russian.).

PS, In addition to (or in lieu of) drinking games, you can go play palin bingo during tomorrow night's debate!

5:16 p.m. ::
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