Unravel Me

turn over.

i awoke this morning with a vicodin cough-syrup hangover. remember last year's robotrip? i'm afraid "Robotrip 2007" is here. my defenses must be down b/c this icky chest cold has lingered for three weeks. i've gone through six bottles of cough syrup and four bags of lozenges. and you ask why winter is my least favorite season?

spring semester classes began on monday, with Statistics II at 9am. ow! 9 o'clock is too early for math. but although this term promises to be intense, it'll all be good. after an unusually warm spell from november through early january (70-degree weather), sunday brought our 1st winter storm of the season. unfortunately it meant more sleet than snow. it also meant wishing i had an ice-pick while having to de-frost a thick coat of ice off my car before heading to school. and it meant having my feet fly out from under me and landing square on my tailbone b/c i slipped on a patch of invisible "black ice" next to the driver-side door. ouch again.

i'd hoped against all odds that my university would cancel classes so i could stay home in pajamas, drink tea, and make soup. but UVA takes a perverse satisfaction in never shutting down, even in bad weather. they hold classes even when the roads are treacherous and all the local K-12 schools declare "snow days". the only time i recall UVA closing in "recent" years was during hurricane Isabel in 2003, when the storm's eye passed directly over us.

oh well. i still made a big pot of my favorite vegetarian green split pea soup. what's with so many people i know not liking pea soup? huh? i never understood that, b/c pea soup is such a great, classic, winter comfort food. ah well�that means more soup for me! it's simmering right now. and there's an apple turnover in the oven.

now, thanks to my friend calvin, let me leave you w/ something for those who have a sense of humor. now, if you love El Presidente Busho, you'll hate me for posting this and think very badly of me. if this is the case�and i don't *think* it will be--then be gone. (kidding, of course.). but otherwise, esp if you're not at work right now, have a slight chuckle at this: W screws the country.

if anyone stills read my sporadic updates: for what it's worth, i think i've kind of semi-"returned" here. so don't pull out. ;-)

6:10 p.m. ::
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