Unravel Me

environmentally friendly

oh, i'm bone tired. totally wiped out. but it looks like i'm going to have to wreck my body more by staying up way late tonight working on the 1st of two big assignments for my research methods class. this one is due at 5pm tomorrow (fri). think good thoughts for me, as i really need it. somehow, it will get done, right? (if i can just somehow pull this off and get a good grade on it...).

then, i hope to breathe easy for a few days. our university recently switched over to giving students a full week off for the thanksgiving holiday instead of the usual four-day weekend that most other schools give. that's b/c, administrators found that no one was coming to class by the time tuesday rolled around, and a lot of employees/professors were also taking vacation days for the entire week. i'm not complaining about a week-long break!

switching gears (no pun intended), let's talk cars again. since yesterday's entry was a tribute to my old car, today i'm finally doing my promised entry about my new car:

environmentally-friendly-car (ULEV)
(see more photos posted on my flickr page).

it's a 2007 Honda Civic EX sedan, which i've had since october 6th. silver is what i wanted, but it's a popular color, so there were no silver ones in stock/on the dealer's lot when i went to test-drive cars a week earlier. so this one was ordered and delivered from a dealership in (i think) the tidewater (norfolk/virginia beach) area. it arrived in less than a week.

AND, yay for the environment, it's an Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle, or "ULEV"! i did consider a hybrid car (the Civic comes as a hybrid), but decided against it after reading that you don't save money or break even 'til you've had your hybrid for a while. plus, for some hybrids, like the Toyota Prius (which i considered after a friend took me for a spin in his), there are long waiting lists at some dealerships to get the exact kind (color/model) you want. finally, there are still some unknowns about hybrids (mechanically, we don't know how they fare by the time they're several years old). i may get a hybrid in the future. but for now, i'll be zipping around in my little silver car, which lightly sips fuel instead of guzzling it. it's fun to drive, it's cute, and practical.

...back to my schoolwork now, and then to bed by 2am if i'm lucky.

11:06 p.m. ::
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