Unravel Me

the panicked student & the vexed teacher

my week-long thanksgiving break went by too fast. the holiday itself was fun & cozy & nice, and i hosted dinner at my new apartment this year. yay! there's leftover pie in my fridge, and if you don't think i'm capable of eating dessert for breakfast, then you don't know me as well as i thought you did!

of course, now i'm trying to catch up on all of the schoolwork i meant to catch up on last week. so much for good intentions. with two weeks left of school before winter vacation, i'm under the gun. my whole body fills with dread as i sit wondering how the hell i'll churn out a 40-50 page paper in the next eight days. HELP!!!

also, remember how i'm teaching (TAing) a class? along with teaching responsibilities comes grading. and right now i'm grading papers. and i'm annoyed: don't college students know how to follow instructions? since when was it OK to type a paper using a font so tiny that your teacher/professor needs a microscope to read it?! these same students also used 1.5 line spacing instead of typing it double-spaced as per instructions. do they really think they can get away with it? wait, don't answer that. the truth is that i did that a few times when i was in college, and i thought i was being clever. ha.

remember how i'm on the INTJ/INFJ cusp, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? the "Thinking" side of me want to take points off from students who didn't follow directions. my "Feeling" (i.e. "soft-hearted") side wants to overlook it b/c some of these ill-formatted papers are quite good, content-wise, and eloquently written. ARGH...is it worth it to dock their grades?

it's been unseasonably warm here (70 degrees)! there's something that feels inherently wrong about hearing x-mas music and seeing the holiday lights in store windows when you're wearing short sleeves. (unless you're from california or florida, i guess). NOT that i'm complaining about the pleasant warmth one bit! but even when you hate cold weather b/c it aggravates your joints, it's kind of hard to feel christmas-y when it's 70 degrees and you have final exams on the horizon. in fact, it kind of gets me down (not the warm weather, but the feeling that the holidays are upon us too soon when, really, they aren't).

ooh, i have more to tell you, but it must wait...

12:09 a.m. ::
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