Unravel Me

two anniversaries

just stopping in for a quick-ish entry (well, quick to me b/c i'm a fast typist). and this update is especially for the few of you (who know who you are) who are also sad that d-land seems to be dying out in terms of writers and readers alike. seriously, whatever happpened to the time when you could log on and your entire buddy list was lit up red? that was fun and those are good memories.

my 4th d-land anniversary was last week. FOUR years, believe it or not! who knew this diary gig would last so long? like her, i defnitely think i've come a long way in terms of life changes documented here since '02. this was my 1st entry. it felt kind of weird to go back and re-read several of my earliest entries, and realize that those were my own words. in truth, reading some of those old entries was actually a little painful for me b/c i was having such a tough time health-wise when i started "blogging". (remember what a horrible drug Prednisone was for me?). but that's also the REASON i started writing.

i'm crunched for time now b/c, even though midterm exams are over, i now have a ton of other school projects and more exams hanging over my head for the rest of the semester. i wasn't kidding when i said that Ph.D. really stands for "piled higher and deeper". but three more things: 1) remember my previous (halloween) entry? well i did go out with the architect boy for a quick bite of curry last week, and it was fun & nice. 2) why the unlock? my passwords got funky & several of them failed, and my display & profile pages had technical glitches. will lock up again when it's fixed. 3) today is the one-month anniversary of buying my new car! more on that later, but....

ok. gotta go study now!

PS: my hands smell like chopped cilantro, b/c i made a veggie indian curry tonight. it came out great and warmed me through and through.

9:08 p.m. ::
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