Unravel Me

piled higher and deeper

WHOA, school is *intense* this semester, so i haven't had spent much time on here. it's true that "Ph.D." stands for "Piled Higher & Deeper". i'm buried in schoolwork! when i last wrote, the leaves were still green and it was warm out. blink your eyes and the leaves are changing colors. blink your eyes again and they'll be gone. now it's october, and also midterm exam time, so for now, here's a list-style update. in the past few weeks, i:

1) got my court summons in the mail, with an october 13th hearing date.

2) paid the $86 fine instead of going to court. did you know that 90% of the time, judges rule against you for doing a california stop?

3) am still annoyed at the cop, stealthily tucked behind the trees/fence on a private driveway. it was a total trap and he was clearly bored!

4) broke the curve in my statistics class with the highest score (98.5) on the 1st exam! ha!

5) have been swimming regularly. i truly love it, plus my joints are happy in H2O.

6) wondered if you can catch mumps in a swimming pool. are you safe if you had the vaccine? (there's a mumps outbreak at the university).

7) celebrated dad's birthday (a milestone b-day)! yay!

9) learned an egg won't necessarily stand on its end at equinox.

10) picked concord grapes at a vineyard and made homemade grape juice that is now turning into wine.

11) went to an apple orchard & bought my favorite heirloom apples, cider & donuts.

12) took a tricky midterm that's left me anxious.

13) graded midterms (for the class i'm TAing).

14) sent e-mail warnings to 9 students who did poorly.

15) have been thinking about chicago (more on this later).

14) learned i *might* be traveling to asia next year (shh, don't tell anyone yet!).

16) was sad to say goodbye to my old car and trade it in....BUT/AND...

17) bought a new car! it's not a hybrid, but is "environmentally friendly", so yay!

OK, back to studying. i have a super hard research methods take-home midterm due tomorrow night. i'll write more after midterms. (not that things will ever slow down at school--i'll probably be moving at breakneck speed 'til december/winter break).

10:24 p.m. ::
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