Unravel Me

under pressure: reflections of a blogger (2nd entry)

yay, my pie photo (previous entry) finally displays in all browsers. hope it made everyone hungry! switching gears, i work well under pressure. right now, i'm drinking red wine while madly typing up that quarterly alumni magazine column i once mentioned i write. now it's mainly about births, weddings and *10th reunion* planning--yikes. it's crazy, i always assumed i'd be married w/ two kids by the time of my 10th college reunion!! BUT...things happen at different times for different people for different reasons. so today (2/1) is my writing deadline, but nothing says my editor must have it by 5pm, so i'm shooting for midnight! at 11:59pm, i'll e-mail it as an attachment. ha!

ooh--remember that magazine article on blogging, i (and others) got interviewed for last fall? it came in the mail today, so i'm "anonymously famous"! haha, i did have a good laugh: according to what the author wrote, my blog has "dozens of readers". that's news! i actually have ~10-20 readers, so she probably meant to say "a dozen". here's the excerpt:

�other blogs are still more private. one member of the class of '96 keeps a blog with dozens of readers, unbeknownst to her family and friends. she began the blog while struggling w/ arthritis & lupus; the "safety of typing everything into a screen" provided a place to work through her feelings and find support from strangers who became friends. "I don't let (people in real life) know I'm having a bad day�but my readers...know right away�there's an intimacy."
although she slightly revised "my" quotes, what she wrote about me sounds good and i love the article. it's well-written and profiles several other alumnae bloggers, whose links i plan to check out.

the article got me thinking about my first days on d-land. i was filled with fear--mainly of the unknown. and--don't laugh--i was also na�ve enough about d-land not to realize that leaving notes/comments or adding someone as a favorite meant you had essentially provided the recipient a link to your page & an invitation to visit your diary. i soon learned that some new diarists seek out readers and actually try to increase their popularity & exposure this way. had i known that going in, i might never have created a buddy list, in the name of being completely private. but now, i have zero regrets about the connections i've made here and i can't imagine it any other way. besides, being locked probably helps filter out untrustworthy readers. what started out solely as a "diary" has become, i hope, at times, a more creative place. though it's still a place for snarky little me to still come bitch and rant once in a while, too! ;-)

10:51 p.m. ::
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