Unravel Me

this 'n' that: 3 updates & a survey

i think it makes sense to save up some $ for some coveted Neko Case tickets, instead of attending a $65 party tonight, right? right. so now, here are three updates followed by a survey: 1) i learned that the hip hop Gene Kelly VW ad i referenced last week is only on in the UK. 2) remember how i half-joked in my previous entry that i'd e-mail my alumni magazine column to my editor just before midnight? haha, it turns out i actually DID end up e-mailing it to her at exactly 11:59pm! (just in the nick of time, and with no wine-induced typos, thankyouverymuch)! 3) i'm delivering on a long-standing promise to provide the link the aforementioned magazine's blogging article, now that it's out and posted online here.

Using Mapquest, how many miles is it from your house to your parents' house? 56.99 miles

Google your first and last name in quotes. How many results were found? 163! (Out of which, maybe two or three hits had to do with me). See, my name isn't that common. I mean, my first name is fairly common, and as I got older, I was surprised to discover that my last name is a pretty common one among people w/ the same ethnic heritage, But put them together and I'm fairly unique. (I have more to say on this another day).

What room in your house is too small? The kitchen.

What room in your house is too big? Haha.

What was the name of your third grade teacher?
We had Ms. Cunningham at first. But a month later, she switched over to go teach Kindergarten and Mrs. Porter came in.

How much money did you make at your first job? $4.50/hr, i think.

Favorite donut? I don't eat donuts often but when I do, there's a TIE between the Spudnut (either cinnamon sugar, or glazed), or Cider Donuts. Spudnuts are so awesome b/c as their name implies, they're made w/ potato flour. They're good w/o being cloyingly sweet. Cider donuts are awesome, too b/c they take me back to when I lived in New England for school--they're cake-like and just-right.

Name(s) of our next door neighbor(s)?
Isn't it terrible? I don't know any of their names! I'm surrounded by grad students on all sides. The girl across the hall is from mainland China. I don't know her name, but she seems sweet and we always smile and say hello. The only thing I know about my next door neighbors to the left is that they're messy�but more on that some other time.

Genre of music you can't stand: Hmm. Hard question, b/c I like so many different types of music, but, I'm not the biggest fan of gangsta rap, or the real twangy "lost my woman, lost my truck, the bottle is my only friend" kind of country music.

Last thing bid on ebay: Not sure�it's been so long.

How much cash is in your wallet?
Aw, do I *have* to get up and check right now?

11:16 a.m. ::
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