Unravel Me

the sensitive, one-woman geek squad
[weekend entry #2]

this sounds crazy, but...does being in an electronics store like best buy give anyone else a headache? i don't know what it is, but going there almost invariably exhausts me (despite my interest in exploring new gadgets). i think it's the sensory overload of fluorescent lights, flickering screens, and music blaring so loud my ears practically bleed and my eyes water.

maybe dr. glick was right: when i first started acupuncture, he said that based upon his observations of me, he thought i had some of the characteristics of what is called the Highly Sensitive Person. so i later visited that link, read about it, and took the website's self-test, which seems to confirm his belief. so, then, why did i tire myself out and go to best buy early this afternoon?

for one, i needed a cable to hook up my brand-new printer/scanner (an x-mas gift to go w/ my imac). but also, it seems i'm now a One-Woman Geek Squad. last month my parents signed up for new high-speed DSL service, since dad was fed up w/ the slow dial-up connection he gets through his university. guess who became the resident techie by default? unfortunately there was a small snag: the need for a new ethernet adapter & network card). but just you wait and see: i'll put my mad tech skillz to the test the next time i go see my parents and install that baby. afterwards, you can even ask me about the joys of 802.11b networking.

but if i run into trouble, there's always the REAL best buy Geek Squad. yeah, if you listen to NPR Morning Edition, you know exactly what i'm talking about. (or if you weren't tuned in on monday 1/3/05, click above and tune in to wendy kaufman's report).

ok. time to take off my geek outfit and play chic. or whatever.

2:48 p.m. ::
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