Unravel Me

it's my anniversary. i'm back to the nightly (& daily) grind
[weekend entry #1]

where have i been? now that i'm off of amoxicillin and my upper lip is no longer numb and swollen, i'll tell you: right before new years weekend, i developed a toothache. when it persisted, i went to the dentist. was it a cavity? no--i brush and floss religiously. was it wisdom teeth? nope--they're long gone. so why the ache? damage from bruxism.

i was unaware that i had a tooth-grinding problem until college, when my roommate said the noise kept her awake. she suggested i see a dentist to get a mouthguard to wear at night. i did, but unfortunately i got lax about wearing it since i often yanked it out in my sleep. in fact, i awoke on several occasions to find it lying in a corner of my bedroom because i'd pulled it out and thrown it across the room whilst sleeping! well there's a price to pay when that happens:

...it turns out i had not one, but TWO cracked upper back teeth! the dental work was hell. to make matters worse, i have a small mouth, so it had to be propped open with a large rubbery block. yes, sadly, i have trouble opening my mouth wide enough to bite into things like large sandwiches or burritos. remind me to just opt for nitrous oxide next time--let's hear it for sedation dentistry! (WAIT...there won't be a next time b/c i WILL wear that mouthguard)!

in other news, i'm back to the daily grind, figuratively. today was my 1-year anniversary at my job! [yay!!!] returning to work after a long break wasn't so bad. maybe b/c i found presents on my desk that people had left me during my absence? a nifty digital clock with a built-in thermometer, a pretty velvet box of fine belgian chocolates, calendars...

but here's what made my day: a tiny wrapped gift on my desk from faye. inside was a keychain that celebrates my ethnic heritage (and that of her daughter and step-daughter): it was gold with red tassels attached to two miniature colorful, traditional korean shoes, shaped like these darlings. isn't it so awesome when a friend remembers something you probably said in passing, and then surprises you with a gift like that? i had no idea she knew i collected keychains!

7:51 p.m. ::
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