Unravel Me

broken windows

broken windows...

quick update now since my computer at home is dead...

now, i'm *really* hoping for that raise i mentioned in passing the other day. i need the $ because...well...

see, my old home computer crashed and died yesterday so i'm gonna try to get on the phone tonight w/ tech support to re-install windows w/o wiping out everything. however, i'm probably gonna need to think about buying a new computer sooner than you think, anyway. of course it'll put one swift dent into my wallet. what makes me so mad is that i think my computer got hijacked and shut down by spyware even though i'm so careful about surfing and downloading, and i run a virus scanner regularly.

now the question is whether i want to go back to a mac (which i used to have), or stay with windows and get an xp? a tech guy once told me to steer cleer of windows ME because its files corrupt easily and no one he knows who has it is happy with it. maybe a mac would be better b/c there are fewer of the security holes that windows is notorious for. anyway, the word of the day is broken windows. so 'til it's fixed or replaced, no updates.

so, should i get a mac or a pc?

i'll ponder that one over some coffee this weekend...have a great (if soggy, here) weekend. there's too much to do here but hey--it's 5pm and i'm about to scoot outta here. it's rainy and cold and i'm gonna stay rolled in another blanket burrito all weekend long.

more later.

4:55 p.m. ::
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