Unravel Me

on wizardry, football & politics

on wizardry, football & politics...[2nd weekend entry]

happy halloween! right now i'm sitting here looking spooky and wearing orange and black. that's b/c i'm handing out candy to the little trick-or-treaters this evening. (actually, some of those children are not-so-little and are taller than i am. hee hee)!

hoo boy, i drank a wee bit too much butter beer last night in hogsmeade village. but i'm happy to report that i pulled off the cho chang costume i mentioned yesterday. in fact, it was a smashing success, and i highly recommend dressing up as a harry potter character for halloween. if you do, i promise you'll charm the heck out of everyone at the party with your magic spells.

well election day is just two days away, and i must say, it's discouraging to be a blue girl in a red state. but whatever happens, please don't let this election drag on until january. bathtubmary pointed out last week that baseball and politics should never mix, and i certainly agree. in fact, in my book, sports and politics generally don't go together.

but around here, every four years, FOOTBALL and politics DO mix. see, i live in redskins territory. and if i have to predict this election, i'll lay the odds on a kerry win, and not out of my own wishful thinking. that prediction is based on the washington redskins loss to the green bay packers (28-14) this afternoon. (if you're a bush supporter, please don't kill the messenger)! i'm merely basing it on this legend: the outcome of the washington redskins home football games has correctly predicted the winner of every presidential election since 1936. apparently, in the previous 15 elections, if the redskins lost their last home game before election day, the incumbent party lost the white house. you don't believe me? then go check out the above link! i *swear* i'm not tricking you on this halloween night.

in two days, we'll find out if this legend holds true once more...

6:45 p.m. ::
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