Unravel Me

occupational biohazard

occupational biohazard...

can someone get me a can of lysol disinfectant spray? and some antibacterial hand gel?

remember the woman at my office who brings her sick kids to work? apparently it doesn't end there. today, she came in with a fever of 102, and was coughing and hacking nonstop. unbelievable. very contagious, no doubt. you have NO idea how wrong and inappropriate i think that is. you also have no idea how much i absolutely *HATED* listening to her cough. it's annoying as hell to listen to someone else cough all day. in fact, it's one of my quirky pet peeves. the thought of her germs spreading through all of the air ducts in the building makes me shudder.

the fact that she brings her dirty, germ-encrusted kids to the office tells me that she doesn't practice good hygeine or appropriate measures to guard against the spread of illness. which probably explains why she's sick now too. but the most outrageous thing is that she goes around telling everyone else at work to stay away from her when they're feeling even a little unwell because she supposedly has "weak immunity", etc. that's a crock of hypocritical bullshit if i ever heard it: you tell everyone else to stay away from you when they're sick, but turn the tables and you freely expose everyone else to your germs and those of your kids? nice.

i obviously find this co-worker's actions offensive, but you know what? it's not only rude to co-workers. it's inappropriate all around. if you didn't already know this, the setting i work in serves clients with various disabilities. that means there are some clients who are taking immunosuppressive drugs. some have had transplants and take drugs to prevent organ rejection. some are on potent anti-rheumatic drugs for various types of arthritis. yet others are weak and vulnerable after cancer chemotherapy. for her to endanger her clients in this way is also unethical.

the thing is, she's been known to abuse "sick days". yet, she doesn't use them when she should. this woman's behavior is wrong on soooo many levels.

6:16 p.m. ::
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