Unravel Me

30!!!! a weekend of celebrating to the max

30!!!! a weekend of celebrating to the max...

i skipped out of work early to take off for a special weekend--special on two counts:

exactly a year ago today, my dad had his successful heart valve replacement. he came through with flying colors, but it was really scary to see him have to face open-heart surgery. longtime readers know that it stressed me out quite a bit. he's doing well, and in fact, was back teaching summer classes only a month afterwards. but...wow. the other day while i was down at the hospital for work, i remembered exactly how it was--how, when they rolled him down to surgery, i went along with him and followed as far as they would let me, which was the OR entrance. there, tears started pouring out of my eyes as i held his hand, wished him luck, and placed my hand onto his still intact chest, and asked the orderly to give me a few minutes alone with him. and as i type this, i'm starting to get kind of weepy. but there's no need for tears, because tonight i'm going to my parents' house where mom, dad and i will celebrate the 1st anniversary of that event.

AND...guess who will turn 30 tomorrow morning at 6:32am???? yep, that's right... this weekend, i'll kiss my roaring twenties goodbye forever. and i'm doing that by driving up to DC tomorrow. why? my awesome sister is coming...she's been visiting friends in england this week and is coming back home to the US. because this is my "big 3-0", she deliberately routed her flight from london to come through washington dulles int'l airport to spend my birthday with me before continuing on home to denver. yes, we are gonna tear up the nation's capital!!!!! finally, when i come back here, i will celebrate a belated birthday with my friends, and also my co-workers. how much better can it get? a multi-tiered 30th birthday celebration? i think i can live with that.

so...so long to my roaring twenties: you've been a roller coaster of a decade, but you've been good to me. thirty, here i come! i'll report back next week from the other side of 30 and tell y'all what it's like. 'til then...

4:41 p.m. ::
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