Unravel Me

hands in the candy jar, prize at the finish line

hands in the candy jar, prize at the finish line...

a couple of weeks ago i started to suspect someone(s) was eating candy from the jar i keep on my desk at work. one day, i noticed the level of sweets seemed a little lower than usual, but didn't give it much thought, or figured it was just my imagination. then, yesterday, when i arrived back at my office, i noticed the candy was almost all gone! whatever--it's no big deal since i originally filled it with a bunch of candy i didn't like and was trying to get rid of anyway. apparently, it worked, and there are takers, although i haven't a clue who (s)he/they are. what i do know is that they are elusive and skilled at only getting to the candy on days i'm not there.

easter weekend at my parents' house was lovely, and included me making some delicious raspberry scones for brunch, dyeing eggs, and much more yumminess and goodness. i brought back some chocolate mini eggs with me. and as long as a woman has her chocolate, all's good in the world, right? [just remind me to hide my candy jar if i decide to fill it with chocolate, so no one can devour it for me, mmkay? the chocolate is all mine!]

OOH, one more thing: i've been such a diary slacker lately that i totally forgot to mention some incredibly happy and important news here: remember the 4K race i did last month? well it just so turns out that i placed 8th overall, and 2nd in my age group (females 25-29)!!!! i knew i had done fairly well when i crossed the finish line, but because they only gave trophies to the top three finishers in each age group for the 8K participants, not the 4K athletes, i did not find out the official timed results until several days later. wow, i never dreamed i'd do so well!! my prize? well, sure, i got the t-shirt and finishers' medal like everyone else, but i also won a free sushi gift certificate. hey--life is good! i can't complain. in exactly a month, i'll be joining the ranks of a new athletic age group: the 30-34's! yikes. we'll see if i can repeat my performance next year.

11:25 p.m. ::
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