Unravel Me



yo wassup? (now when was the last time i said "yo"!?) i just got back in town from my three day business trip earlier this evening. oh boy am i tired! tired, but happy.

the source of this happiness is the fact that after happy hour and drinks with two co-workers last night, i went back to my hotel room and watched the finale of ANTM. i tell you, there's nothing like watching reality tv when you're already, well...happy.

so now seriously, isn't yoanna just so strikingly beautiful? i love her sassy, chic haircut and i think her eyes are totally gorgeous. she has a dash of craziness, too. and add all that to her passion for modeling, and you've got america's next top model.

now yoanna know something? (i know, i know. bad joke)! i wanna get my hair cut. maybe.

well it's super late. time for bed. more later. goodnight.

12:25 a.m. ::
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