Unravel Me

let's talk politics for a change, shall we?

let's talk politics, for a change, shall we?

this morning i heard this joke on the radio: "last week, the temperatures were so cold in new hampshire that the silver spoon stuck to howard dean's mouth".

funny, i seem to remember that same recycled joke being said about george w. bush four years ago... and have you noticed that the people who are fussing all over howard dean's passionate concession speech in iowa are the same ones who poked fun at al gore's stiffness in 2000? you just can't win.

my longtime readers know i usually shy away from discussing politics here. i have my opinions but i just choose not to wear them on my sleeve. the closest i came to openly expressing my beliefs was in college, when i had a wall sticker which read "keep your laws off of my body", a pin that read "pro woman pro choice", another sticker that read "my body my choice", and a "straight but not narrow" button. i think the seven sisters schools are big on encouraging political activism and exploration of your beliefs. as are many liberal arts colleges.

i figure people who know me well now can pretty much guess where i stand on many issues. but i must say, i haven't decided yet which presidential candidate i favor for this year's elections. but with the iowa caucus and new hampshire primary in the headlines lately, i went over to presidentmatch.com. you go through and answer questions on where you stand on various social, fiscal and international policy issues. the website then produces a list of candidates ranked in order from best match for you to the worst. go check it out for yourself. here's what i got:

Kerry - 100%
Kucinich - 90%
Clark - 87%
Dean - 86%
Edwards - 86%
Sharpton - 84%
Lieberman - 79%
and last but not least, Bush - 20%.

boo hoo. i have to work today at 1pm. but i can't complain about two snow days in a row, now can i? ...off to dig out and scrape off my frozen car...

11:03 a.m. ::
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