Unravel Me

food for thought: dry drunk

food for thought: dry drunk...

earlier this evening i caught up with a friend i hadn't talked to in ages, which was delightful. at one point, our conversation got a little gossipy, and we started speculating as to whether or not someone we mutually know is a lush. i think probably "yes", but the jury's still out. anyway, that's not the point of my entry, so moving on...

after that, i watched the state of the union address. as i saw and listened to george w. bush, my mind kept wandering to this:

did you know that Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has a term for someone who is a drunk in every way except for the actual imbibing of spirits? they call that person a dry drunk. it's slang, but not meant to be judgmental. it simply means the individual has stopped drinking, but exhibits the same unhealthy, addictive behaviors, clouded thinking, and alcoholic personality traits found in someone who is using. such a person may be abstinent from alcohol, but is not truly sober.

what made me think of that? well it just so happens that the friend i talked to tonight is the same one who e-mailed me a link to a 2002 article which proposed that president bush is a "dry drunk". is he?

read the article and decide for yourself:

Addiction, Brain Damage, and the President: "Dry Drunk" Syndrome and George W. Bush"

12:29 a.m. ::
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