Unravel Me

argh!! web-onics (IMHO)

argh!! web-onics! (IMHO)...

i recently saw an acquaintance who is a newly certified high school science teacher. she's very energetic and idealistic, so i think it's great she pursued that dream. there's no doubt teaching can be rewarding, but it's a tough job--lots of work and inadequate pay. in fact, i once briefly toyed with the idea of becoming a high school english teacher. i envisioned teaching american lit. to 10th graders. i wanted to share with them my passion for and knowledge of e.e. cummings, john steinbeck, maya angelou, gertrude stein, tennessee williams, and robert frost. but i ultimately abandoned the idea. and maybe it's for the better.

you see, i'm not sure i'd have the patience to deal with frustrating e-mails like this from students:

hey ms. y***: i have a ?4U. i want an xtensn. can i PLZ turn in my ppr on fri? or is that 2L8? i have an algbr test on wed and it sux. i hope UR OK with it. TYVM. TTYL. CU L8ter.

cruel-irony got me thinking about kids today and their web-onics. yeah, call me old if that makes you happy. i'm almost 30. i don't care. but argh! when an e-mail message is entirely comprised of webonics, or netspeak, i might as well be staring at hieroglyphics. are kids today so lazy they can't type out full words? isn't it ironic that our lingo has been dumbed down for use on amazing technological advances like IM and e-mail? i don't know. sure i've used some of that slang, like LOL or TTYL, but only occasionally and for IMing. but i guess if i were 15, i'd be busy chatting online with friends about my latest crush, with these kinds of snippets of conversation:

"i was liek, LOL and he said G2G but i'll BRB so i was like....OMG!! TTYL!and i was LMAO".

whatever. enuff of that 4now. i G2G2 bed but i will BRB as soon as i feel like updating my blog again. i hope U all R doing well. BCNU. TTYL.

{PS: for help deciphering this entry, look at e-mail and online chat acronym guides on the internet. like this one}.

12:16 a.m. ::
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