Unravel Me

mile-high highlights, muddy water blues, getting my feet wet

mile-high highlights, muddy water blues, getting my feet wet...

whew--it's been a long day! i finally have a minute to sit here and unload what's swimming around up in my melon. ready? don't worry--i won't bore you just yet with my 2003 recap. needless to say, the holidays in colorado were everything i'd hoped for. a few highlights:

1. a few days before christmas, i saw handel's messiah at the denver center for the performing arts. it was performed by the colorado symphony orchestra under the musical direction of a talented woman named marin alsop. wow! it was so brilliant, and a real treat to see.

2. tried a delicious new cinnamon almond rice drink known as a horchata. it's mexican in origin, which isn't surprising, considering colorado's southwestern flair. i urge everyone to try a horchata if the opportunity arises. it's really refreshing and would be an excellent summer beverage. horchatas are also said to be a hangover cure, however i don't know that from first-hand experience.

3. rang in the new year with a trip to vail. no, i didn't see the newly-married trista and ryan sutter, as they were partying it up in pasadena, calif for the tournament of roses. however i did drive by the vail fire department!

4. revisited dushanbe tea house. check out the aforementioned site. as you may recall, i went there in august. it's definitely a spot worth dropping by if you're ever in boulder!


fast foward to today:

this morning, for the third time since may, my apartment had no hot water. what's worse, the water coming out of the faucet was turbid and nasty and sort of rusty and tea-colored. i had to call someone to come fix my water heater. but as i got ready for work, i showered in icy, brown water. somehow, that didn't make me feel very clean, and had me singin' the muddy water blues. but fear not, my friends! my first day at work was great. [like, what was i so worried about last night anyway?] i think it'll all be fine as i get oriented in my new office and get my feet wet.

more as it happens...

10:43 p.m. ::
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