Unravel Me

getting ready to take off

getting ready to take off...

in less than 19 hours i'll be aboard a flight headed out west for the holidays...

so right now i'm taking a quick break from packing like a mad-woman. hopefully my suitcase doesn't register as "overweight" as it did in august (due to my shoe buying addiction, what else?!). because ya know, i could do without a $25 fine from united airlines.

i've got my knitting and crocheting, and some sedaris to read, so i should be all set. (as long as we don't hit a pocket of turbulence along the way).

i'm flying with my parents this time. alas, no upgrade to business class this time. which means that unlike on my flight out to seattle in july, there won't be two bottomless glasses of wine (by the time i landed on the west coast, i think i had probably had the equivalent of three, maybe four glasses), and hey--i couldn't help it--the flight attendant kept walking by with refills!

so...i'm especially looking forward to this getaway because it'll be my last for a while. when i get back in the new year, i'll be starting at my new job. and that's both scary and exciting, though i must say that the idea of starting a new job at the beginning of a new year just feels right.

for now, i'm ready to have some big time family fun at my sister's house. updates will most likely be few (if any) and far between over the holidays. so if i don't pop in again for a while, i wanted to wish everyone merry christmas and/or happy holidays!

now be good, kids! and don't eat too much or drink too much!

(wait...scratch that last sentence! who am i to say that? i plan to do both of those things!). heh!


11:01 p.m. ::
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