Unravel Me

digging out; i feel the earth move

digging out; i feel the earth move...

i've been frantically busy lately so it's been hard to update. being the wimp that i am, i'm still sore from shoveling snow a few days ago. the good news is that i managed to dig my car out from under the snow. the bad news is that we're supposed to get more.

there's so much stuff to get done before i leave for vacation late next week. is it just me, or does the arrival of december bring a sense of panic? it's as though everything that has to get done comes hurtling down a conveyor belt faster than i can tend to it. or it's like an avalance of things to do that buries me each holiday season.

i love the holidays but they always seem to sneak up on me. i haven't sent out a single christmas card yet, or even made a list of who to send cards to. nor have i gone shopping for presents. then again, it's only the 9th.

in other news, just a little while ago today, we had a magnitude 4.5 earthquake. i know. it's not newsworthy for any of you californians. but, well, i don't live in a quake zone. or so i thought. remember the one i wrote about in may? yeah. this one was stronger. enough to set off building alarms. and no, in my frenzied state, i'm not imagining things: it's official. the info was recorded at the us geological survey. go check it out.

well on that note, i'm signing off. happy shopping/studying/partying/whatever else you may be up to at this time of year.

more as it happens...

5:36 p.m. ::
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