Unravel Me

10 things....

10 things...

here are 10 things i'm all about...

1. the ocean
2. bubble baths
3. tea
4. mix cd's
5. naps & sleeping in
6. farmer's markets
7. crossword puzzles/ board games
8. my postcard collection
9. fresh berries in summer (dark chocolate in winter)
10. knitting

what about you?


what else is going on:

-the fotolog i started over the summer continues to grow slowly. i think the two shots i posted today are my favorite so far. i like the colors in the one i put up this evening. bet you can't figure out what these are! ha!

-i'm tentatively happy & hopeful about something specific. enough said.

-i'm wearing that new japanese floral print patterned skirt i mentioned the other day and i love it!

-the downside to 24 hour tv news network stations: overkill.

-had an eye exam this afternoon.

-confession: i like glasses almost as much as i like shoes. (wait....forget i said that. well, okay. it's true. i love to try on all sorts of frames, and was reminded of this when i read about someone getting new glasses yesterday). now that's crazy isn't it?!

and now i'm outta here--more as it happens later...


p.s. there still is a serial rapist on the loose around here. six years and he's still not caught. ugh.

11:54 p.m. ::
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