Unravel Me

sometime lofty towers

sometime lofty towers: 9/11

wow, i don't think i know what to type today. so on the two-year anniversary of september 11th, these are the best words i can come up with. i just wanted to acknowledge the date, respectfully remember those terrible events, and think about those who lost so much and who were lost on that terrible day:

"when sometime lofty towers i see down razed
and brass eternal slave to mortal rage...
this thought is as a death,
which cannot choose
but weep to have that which it fears to live".

--william shakespeare

these words are immortalized in shakespeare's sonnet 64. i also know that there is a photographic memorial book of the world trade center entitled "sometime lofty towers", by robert hutchinson. appropriately, it seeks to ease the pain of ruin with the balm of remembered beauty.


...did you know that i saw the twin towers exactly one month before they were destroyed?

i saw them from the air on august 11, 2001 on my return flight home from hartford, connecticut, after attending a friend's wedding. we flew over new york city. despite my flying fear, i am very glad i had a chance to see the towers from the plane one last time before they were destroyed.

now all i have is pictures from the summer i lived in new york, and also postcards from my collection, which are surely collector's items now.

4:54 p.m. ::
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