Unravel Me

a run down, rundown, and running...(seattle update #4):

seattle update #4: a run down; rundown, and running...

it's late and everything has been such a whirlwind, so for now, a run-down of things:

1. went kayaking yesterday at agua verde paddle club near uw. so lovely!

2. went to REI (again) yesterday.

3. spent yesterday evening in ballard at ray's boathouse, watching the sun set over shilshole bay. so very pretty. and the server was a cutie who suggested a tequila shot. instead i drank a dizzy lizzy.

4. i'm so rundown, so i didn't go hiking at mt. baker today despite the invite. i'm wiped out and have lost 4 lbs. this week w/o trying, so needed down-time.

5. saw my friend kristin, whom i know from undergrad. and who moved out here to seattle from boston two years ago. i cannot begin to say how incredibly happy i am about seeing her. i promise more on this at a more opportune time.

6. called the lovely itzie and left a message. believe it or not, we *may* possibly meet up, time allowing. crazy, huh?

7. running...(er, walking): i've gotta be up early for the 5K i've gone on and on about. it starts in an area called 1st hill, by swedish medical center (which sponsors this event), and goes 12th up to discovery park (?) and back down 11th to union and back to the starting area. so if i'm correct, i think i'll also see a little bit of this city's capitol hill neighborhood. i have a sneaking suspicion some of it will be hilly though i'm not sure.

8. i laid out my good luck outfit: black shorts, my fave green sports bra, a grey running top, and my long sleeve, white "head of the charles" shirt. my feet will be sporting my new asics gel shoes.

9. finally, am i *that* crazy to come to seattle do a 5K during my vacation? i don't think it's crazy at all. wish me luck, even you're only there with me in spirit.

oh, and one more thing: today, kristin gave me another crazy idea )and great excuse to come back out here to visit again): train for the seattle half marathon (which is what my sister and her friends inge and andy did last year). then come back out here in november. maybe one day that would be lovely. more later.

12:16 a.m. ::
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