Unravel Me

recovering; disorganized

recovering; disorganized...

i'm finally well enough to update. i'm recovering from a bad reaction to some antibiotics. they made me really, really sick. i didn't know that was the culprit until a doctor (different from the one who prescribed them) informed me that i shouldn't have been prescribed that drug at all. it's contraindicated in people w/ lupus b/c it can apparently make it worse, or even cause a drug-induced form in people w/ no history of it. i'm thankful i got off of that drug and this didn't happen during my upcoming vacation. but i'm incredibly wiped out.


speaking of my vacation:

now i'm trying to recover my strength (waking past noon the past few days). i'm also at my parents' house now and am frantically packing for my trip.

i swear, i'm starting to think i must have A.D.D. as my room is disorganized and i can't seem to pull everything together. even my parents are saying my room at their house looks like a tornado has gone through it. my apartment is the same way.

unfortunately, i completely agree. it never was like this and i've always been fastidious and neat. but lately i've become messier and messier. i'm not sure what's going on.

okay, i have zillion things to do. and i should probably write up some packing and "to do" lists to get organized.

4:06 p.m. ::
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