Unravel Me



anagram: a word or phrase made by transposing or rearranging the letters of another word or phrase


being good at this kind of word play either means you have too much time on your hands or that you're deadly at scrabble. or maybe both. i can't help but wonder: whoever came up with these here anyway?

*william shakespeare = i am a weakish speller

*the earthquakes = that queer shake

*madonna louise ciccone = occasional nude income

*slot machines = cash lost in 'em

*old west action = clint eastwood

*snooze alarms = alas no more z's

*evangelist = evil's agent

*dormitory = dirty room

*elvis = lives

*listen = silent

*admirer = married

and last but not least... internet anagram server = isn't rearrangement rave?

now, is anyone up for a game of scrabble with me? no? i didn't think so. that's okay. i've promised myself not to get hooked into the temptation of online scrabble. two people here have mentioned they participate in this form of entertainment, though i won't mention names!

finally, late yesterday i finally uploaded another image to my fotolog! i think it might become more fun as time goes on and i have more pictures.

okay, i have a bunch of things to do this afternoon. more later.

11:45 a.m. ::
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