Unravel Me

mango lassi

mango lassi...

well, after toying w/ the idea yesterday, i did it! i created a fotolog. i hope this proves to be fun. the theme is plain and simple. no frills. it can be found here. i'm new at it, which means that right now: 1) i don't have many current pictures to upload, 2) this is still mostly experimental and i don't know if i'll stick with it in the long run, 3)i don't have any fotolog friends or favorites picked out b/c i haven't explored the site that much yet, and finally 4) my fotolog updates might be somewhat sporadic until i get more shots to post over time. but please do check in periodically! however, don't expect to find pictures of me there, as i'm a bit camera shy online.

about my fotolog username: it's a bit random. i chose it b/c i just made a mango lassi today and that was on my mind. dreamy. in truth, the lassi was okay--i used an indian cookbook recipe but i don't think the mangoes were ripe enough, so it was disappointing despite the right amount of brown sugar and honey. maybe next time. hmm, i wonder if rum will enhance a mango lassi, or just make it taste odd....

anyway, happy 4th of july!

2:55 p.m. ::
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