Unravel Me



today i'm 29. in some ways i think i'm old. in some ways i think i'm young. but either way, 29 is a good age, and i want to make this the best year so far.

it will be a great year. and nothing else matters because today i'm surrounded by people who love me and shower me with affection. this is a short entry because i'm emotionally and physically drained after yesterday, but in short, i think yesterday was very successful. i can't wait to go down to the hospital in a short while to see dad awake for the 1st time since yesterday, and get to hold his hand.


"there is a certain part of all of us that lies outside of time. it is only at exceptional moments that we become aware of our age. the rest of the time we are ageless".

--milan kundera, immortality

9:10 a.m. ::
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