Unravel Me

mcclintock, game show

3rd entry today

mcclintock; game show...

i already did two earlier entries so i wasn't going to update again today. my hands hurt b/c i've been busy typing up a document with a deadline next week. i'm trying to get it done a little early b/c next week will be so hectic.

then, i saw something that's just too weird. so i decided to do an entry on it. it has to do with the mcclintock effect, where women who live in close proximity to each other synchronize menstrual cycles. i've made it no secret that i've got a bad case of PMS right now and could get my period any day now.

well weirdness....i read one diary buddy yesterday and another one just a few minutes ago who both said they were premenstrual. since when did diaryland buddies start to get synchronized menstrual cycles? that's a bit scary. are we all spending too much time online? it's going to be too strange if i read that any more of my d-land friends are on the same cycle as mine.

now, if you visit the above link, you'll see what it's all about. am i a believer in the mcclintock effect? you bet i am! as a college student one year, i lived on a hall with six other girls. before long, we were all synchronized. i kid you not. and who did everyone decide to blame? ME! LOL! i'm not kidding. i think it's because my cycle stayed the same when i got to school, while my roommate and other friends all began to go haywire and get their periods unexpectedly. once my roommate even said to me jokingly "(emeraldtiger), you're messing my cycle up!".

what was i supposed to say to that? when i think about it in retrospect, it does seem a bit unfair that i developed a reputation on my floor for bad PMS. hahaha! if you consider our synchronized cycles, i obviously wasn't the only one on my hall who had PMS. but my friends were oh-so-kind as to jokingly draw up a big poster sized sign in red marker for me to hang on my door on bad days. it read "M* is PMSing. GO AWAY!!!!" and i actually *did* hang up the sign several times when i was in a grumpy mood and wanted to be left alone. LOL.... fun memories.


ahem...should i....ahem....watch this tonight on tv? or do i watch the 200th episode of e.r.?

can someone cough up the answer to that question?

7:44 p.m. ::
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