Unravel Me

it pays to be smart: statistics geek

it pays to be smart: statistics geek...

yes, i got restless and bored again last night and changed my layout colors. i felt all girlie today. while i love blue, my diary looked too androgynous. so it's pink for now. i hope it lifts my mood. anyway....


today's emeraldtiger trivia:

did you know that if you find an error in a textbook and write to the publishers, you can get paid?

yup. that's right. i found this out in grad school when i was doing my master's thesis and trying to analyze the research data i'd gathered. i spotted a mistake in my statistics textbook in the formula they had printed for calculating a multiple analysis of variance (ANOVA).

i couldn't believe *i* had found a statistics error! ME! i told my professor and she told me to write to the publishers b/c they usually pay you or send you discounts on further purchases from their company.

in the end, i received $100 from brooks cole publishing, plus a 30% discount on a future purchase of a brooks cole published textbook. how can you beat that?

so... if you're a student and you find a mistake in your textbook, you know what to do now!

11:22 a.m. ::
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