Unravel Me

weekend escape

weekend escape....

last night i promised an update on my weekend escape: more than anything it was a much needed getaway. i was itching for a change of scenery. it was essentially a shopping trip. i hadn't been there since the holidays.

i've got three cute new shirts, but surprisingly no shoes this time. i tried on some pants but now everything is too big and i found myself swimming in most of the clothes i tried on--the opposite problem from last year's prednisone woes.

i hate shopping for pants b/c it's so hard to find ones that fit just right. i wear a 4P, but it also depends on the cut and brand. guys are so lucky b/c they probably have it easier than girls when buying pants.

it'd be great if petite clothing came in as wide a selection as regular sizes. i think a lot of stores are starting to make more of an effort to reach out to that customer base. still, sometimes it's easier to buy stuff in the regular section and then alter and hem it. a pain in the ass.

i also went by that store i mentioned back in december, where i got a cheap gallon of soymilk, and my favorite cool mint gum, and green gum, again. but definitely no durian wafers! the gum i bought--it's the best! if you don't know what i'm talking about, then you're really missing out on the most kick-ass chewing gum in the world. i'm biased, of course.

check out this site , and this page .

in all it was a great trip. the weather was nice. and it was so sweet of my parents to take me since they know how discouraged i've been lately. my parents really are super. i just hate that they have to watch me in so much pain. it's not right. these days i'm back and forth between my apt and their house, and it's nice that they live close enough to give me that option.

i'd love to get up to dc again next month to see the cherry blossoms if possible...maybe en route to baltimore when i go up to johns hopkins.

my computer connection has become unreliable. i keep getting bumped off, though not sure why. so before that happens gotta go. i'll try to check in later w/ more.

5:07 p.m. ::
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