Unravel Me

silly thursday trivia

silly thursday trivia...

being the nice person that i am, i've been sucked into editing another article, also to be no longer than 500 words max. looks like a night in front of the computer.

i almost forgot--here's some thursday trivia:

a lot of people perceive me as a serious person--esp. people who don't know me that well. i think it's partially true at times. but what a lot of people don't know is that i have a really silly side. i love practical jokes, and i love to joke around when people least expect it. in some ways i love it that people perceive me as serious, b/c then it totally takes everyone by surprise when i start joking around. like the time i wore my nose ring to work a few years ago! : )

[usually i'm more inclined to show the silly side of myself to people who know me well and around whom i can totally let down my guard].

7:34 p.m. ::
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