Unravel Me

birth and sibling stats

birth & sibling stats...

i've been so prolific the past several days. so tonight's entry is just some fun emeraldtiger birthday and sibling trivia/tidbits:

1)i was born at 6:32am

2)i was delivered cesarian section

3)i weighed just over 6 lbs. and was just over 18 inches long.

4)i was born may 15, 1974 but was supposed to be born on may 22nd.

5)but being born a week early was nothing compared to my older sister. her birthday is february 2, but she wasn't supposed to have been born until march 23. it gave my mom the scare of her life b/c my sister was her first child.

being premature obviously did no lasting damage--my sister graduated from harvard w/ high honors, and is now a surgeon! (but she's also the most unassuming, down-to-earth, unintimidating person i know of--you know, never lets success go to her head).

6)so emeraldtiger has siblings? yes, i have one older sister.

7)do you two get along? yeah! we're good friends and i can truly talk to her. i also look up to her b/c she's a great role model as a person, and also as a woman who breaks gender barriers. in fact, she's one of only *two* attending-level female surgeons at a highly regarded hospital out in seattle. i had no idea until she mentioned this fact in passing that surgery was still *so* male-dominated to the degree that it is: about 80% male, and 20% female. she said there are some female surgery residents and certainly many female med. students, but still very few female surgery attending physicians. most women lean towards internal medicine, family medicine, or pediatrics. wow.

8)come on, did she ever pick on you?

of course! she's a big sister! i think the biggest thing she used to do when i was little that would bug me was when she'd clean her room and would try to get rid of all sorts of junk and just dump it all on my bed. i'd tell her i didn't want whatever it was she was getting rid of. when i said this, she'd teasingly dangle whatever junk it was over the trash can and say, "oh, well i guess i'm just going to have to throw it away...it's going once, going twice...it's gon-...."

and whenever she said that, and just as she was ready to drop it into the trash can, i'd immediately jump up and beg and plead with her and say "no, no! NO! don't throw it away! i want it! give it to me! i really do! i'll take it! give it back to me! please! no!"

...in all seriousness though, i think our 5 yr. age difference has made us better friends, ironically, because if we were closer in age, i think there would have been more rivalry or competition and all that, but since we never went to school together or had to be compared side-by-side by teachers, there was less of that. in general, she's pretty protective of me. and now that we're grown and equals, we're good friends as well.

10:15 p.m. ::
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