Unravel Me

exactly how it should be; dietary mistakes

exactly how it should be; dietary mistakes...

yay! my diary looks exactly the way it should...i think. i'm happy now.


*here's more random emeraldtiger trivia*

i was once vegetarian for a while but i didn't do it right (and i'm *not* talking junk food vegetarianism either). i ended up w/ a lot of nutritional deficiencies. i did it for the wrong reasons as a coverup for something else...namely that i've been on the brink of an ED several times.

it's still *very* difficult for me to talk or think about.

to make a long story short, i now eat fish (there's a term for people who eat a lot of veg dishes but also eat fish, but for the life of me, that word escapes me). i would probably consider becoming vegetarian again but only if someone could help guide me to do it right so i don't run into trouble again. i'm not ready to make that decision just yet.

i realize that this might sound a bit unusual and strange and it's probably difficult for anyone else reading this to relate to me, but there you have it....please don't point a brittle, judgmental finger at me for messing up the 1st time around. i didn't know any better. i was young. i didn't know how self-destructive and unhealthy i was being in manipulating my diet. i already feel horrible guilt at the mere question of whether i might have contributed to my current autoimmune problems by lowering my defenses and stressing my body in that way. you learn from your mistakes. and some mistakes are costly. and thinking about this makes me cringe.

more as it happens....

3:14 p.m. ::
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