Unravel Me

writing about wintertime nothing

writing about wintertime nothing...

i updated friday night, last night and now it's sunday night and i have no weekend adventures to really write about. but i'll write about wintertime nothing, which makes for a 3rd weekend entry (and possibly a game of catch-up for my friends out here). it's an entry about wintertime nothing b/c i almost went up to nyc this weekend...but didn't. i'm snowed in. we've gotten about a foot w/ more coming. it's beautiful as long as i don't have to be out driving in it. in fact, it's absolutely gorgeous--a real winter wonderland. so dreamy. fluffy white snow. so pure. snow softly blankets everything that's ugly. everything is innocent again. pretty snow is one thing i like about winter. as long as i'm sitting indoors and drinking tea. and knitting. and daydreaming.....and dreaming about how last year on summer solstice, i was in matt's car, in california, speeding down el camino real w/ the windows down, the wind in my hair, and the sun shining in..... (it already seems like ages ago) *sigh*


*today's fact about me*

my first boyfriend's name was brian. he was a senior and i was a sophomore in h.s. we started dating a month and a half before my 16th birthday. boy was i on cloud nine!

i'm still undecided on which is prettier: hot pink or light pink.

10:12 p.m. ::
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