Unravel Me

pink; gettin' the blues

pink; gettin' the blues...

today's fact about me:

my favorite cereal is this stuff called "groovy grahams". i usually buy it at whole foods, or in the natural foods section at other chain grocery stores like kroger.


pink: can't decide whether to stick w/ hot pink or the light pink i switched to here w/ last night's update. both are very pretty...i'm getting restless and creative. boring is the ultimate sin. but i still want to keep my page somewhat simple. the question is light pink? or hot pink?

yesterday i listened to my "even cowgirls get the blues" soundtrack for the 1st time in ages. boy did it bring back a flood of memories though i can't really explain why. i guess a lot of people get surprised that i like this music and soundtrack and immediately assume it's some sort of statement on my part, even though it's not. to them i must say, what's not to like about that music? it really is the best--seductive and sultry. five songs stand out for me: "hush sweet lover" (the best), "myth", "in perfect dreams", "kundalini yoga waltz", and "just keep me moving". oh, how i loved that music when i was younger. *sigh* it's pure talent. so sensual. takes me back to when i was 19 or 20. am i a crazy gal or what? the movie (gus van sant) was unusual and odd, to say the least. actually it sucked. but from what i've heard, it stayed pretty true to the book and treated sexuality and other themes subtly and delicately.

i never could decide whether the book is worth a read. tom robbins' style is quirky and i've heard mixed reviews. wouldn't reading it now be like going and reading the book "rubyfruit jungle"?

actually, rita mae brown lives just outside of the town i live in now, and is a very celebrated local writer. so if for no other reason, maybe her works are worth a peek. i can't decide. is it worth my time? should i? is it all it's cranked up to be? why should i read it?

2:44 p.m. ::
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