Unravel Me

up and down and out

up & down & out...

boy i'm prolific these days. another 2nd entry. okay. i'm on line again looking at getting a new isp. i quit my dial-up service recently and have been accessing via my parents' dial-up # since it's programmed to my computer as well. ah, all the choices: sprint? adelphia? att? earthlink?

and before i sign off i needed to get one thing off my chest that i've never told a soul but that has been on my mind a lot recently. up and down and now out it comes: i talked about kurt cobain last month. and there's a reason for it: one of my best friends from college confided in me a while back that her boyfriend is manic depressive (bipolar). she swore me to secrecy and i've respected that, and i hope it's not totally wrong of me to even say it here. but then again, i will NEVER, EVER reveal more than that. you see, she talks to me a LOT about it and so i can't help but have a lot of mixed thoughts/feelings on the issue. sometimes i worry about her and how healthy the relationship is just b/c this is pretty serious stuff. and she talks to me about it a lot probably b/c i'm the only? (1 or 2) friend she's confided in. plus, this is a pretty serious relationship but she's going to great lengths to hide it from her family. she's the one who wanted me to find out all i could about kurt cobain while i was on vacation last year, all b/c of her newfound interest in famous bipolars. now isn't the time to talk about it anymore. but there it is, dear diary. as another diarist here would say, "more as it happens"....

7:24 p.m. ::
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