Unravel Me

no more soy joy

no more soy joy...

i'm really bummed out: i'm all out of soy milk. don't know if anyone else agrees with me but the joy of soy really is the best. so it looks like i need to stop by whole foods to pick some up this evening. (and hopefully if they have wine samples there i won't get carded this time).

here's a random thought that popped into my head just now: i was just thinking..."damn it's too bad there's no trader joe's around here". maybe they have soy milk at lower prices. i guess, though, that trader joe's is mainly a california/massachusetts thing. oh well...

it's just a shame that soy milk is always so overpriced around here esp at major chain grocers. maybe the other reason i'm so bummed about that empty jug is the amazing price i bought it for. last month, on the way back from my weekend xmas shopping trip to dc, i stopped by an asian store (the one that has my favorite gum). i couldn't believe my eyes. they had gallons of soy milk @ only **$1.39 for a gallon**!!!! how can you beat that? i haven't seen it at such a low price anywhere else although it's probably b/c it's an asian store and they use so many soy products anyway. does anyone out there know whether or not it's true that asian stores generally sell it cheaper?

anyway...not too much else to report and i'm probably censoring myself a little bit after saturday's bitchy estrogen-laced entry. i don't want to make too many enemies out here even though i *am* a woman and therefore entitled to some irritability. hope everyone had a good weekend!

5:31 p.m. ::
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