Unravel Me

right handed left handed

i just wrote in my profile that i'm ambidextrous. funny enough, i always thought everyone knew what it meant. but sometimes i get asked what it means, and what it's like to be ambidextrous. well, here it is out on the table in a special entry for all who wonder about being ambidextrous:

it basically means that i'm both right handed and left handed, or if you take a different view, neither. i'm comfortable using either hand rather than having a dominant one. no, it doesn't mean i'm able to simultaneously write with both hands, although i had a boyfriend long ago who used to want me to try it. simply put, i can't. however, it would be fascinating for me to see someone who could do it!

basically while i can use either hand for most tasks, i prefer one hand for certain tasks. i can write with either but my writing looks different (different slant and size) depending on the hand used. since the world is more geared to righties than southpaws,i usually write with my right. esp. with spiral or ring binder notebooks and at the grocery checkout or the bank where they have those pens anchored to the writing surface with a chain. if you observe carefully the pen is usually on the right side. i knit and crochet with either but the tension is different with my left being looser, and my right being tighter gauge. so once i start a project i stick to one hand so the completed work doesn't come out uneven or weird looking.

i brush my teeth and hair with my left hand. i pour with my left hand and usually eat with my left hand, with the exception being chopsticks when i'm eating asian cuisine. i can play tennis with either but usually my right. i guess it depends on how my opponent hits and where i want the ball to go. in baseball i guess i'd be a switch-hitter although it's hard to say since i'm purely a spectator at the ballpark. you get the idea. it's funny how much it threw teachers for a loop when i was little. i guess it's convenient in a lot of ways although i take it for granted.

well i'll update more later today if i can.

5:32 p.m. ::
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