Unravel Me

bad day

all i can say is that today has been a bad day. i am *so* STRESSED OUT and too much is weighing on my mind i can't and won't even go into it now.

and to make things worse i started the day off on the wrong foot when i accidentally put my lavendar scented antibacterial pump soap on my toothbrush. i only realized it wasn't mentadent toothpaste when i put it in my mouth and started to brush. so i had floral breath all day long. LOL! isn't that lovely? to top it off, i also dropped a contact lens on the bathroom floor and had to go put on my glasses, kneel down and grope around for it with a flashlight in my nearsightedness. at least i found it after what seemed like forever.

i'm so thankful to have found diaryland. i really don't care who reads my diary and my boring life. and life is truly quite boring right now unfortunately. i do feel kind of weird about one thing here, actually, though: i hope there are no creepy internet stalkers lurking around. then again, around here there's the protection of everyone using an alias username and so i guess it's time to breathe a sigh of relief and update more often. i had no idea there were so many people writing diaries out here, and some of them are pretty cool and funny. so i'm starting to navigate through this site and figure out which ones to follow along. i never thought i'd say this, but i have a short but growing list of favorites. my favorite one right now is fancylady and i'm working my way down her list of favorites.

a note for any of my readers who like to run: running in winter is treacherous--at least in some parts of the country. take note of my experience: i'm feeling *really* sore and bruised after slipping on a patch of invisible ice when out running a few days ago. my feet went flying out from under me. i felt so dumb. luckily no one was around. at least i had my cell phone on me although of course i didn't need to call for help. but talk about peace of mind. now when i go anywhere w/o my cell phone it's like an appendage is missing! oh my! (and no, you won't find me talking on the phone while i'm driving).

12:04 a.m. ::
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