Unravel Me

The Gift of Time

Remember when, back in May, Real Simple magazine celebrated its 10th anniversary by giving the gift of time to its readers? (Along with, perhaps, a reminder to live in the present?). I thought the cover illustration was brilliant, with the one-handed clock dividing the past and the future. And as we sit here seven months later, barreling towards year's end, I sure do wish the gift of time had been a literal one.

Time goes by fast, it's so easy to watch it go by in a blur, not stopping to linger in the moments like I should. I constantly feel like there aren't enough hours in the day, driven home by the fact that it is now dark when I leave work, and it's also not fully bright out when I go to work in the morning. Sometimes I wonder if all grown-ups feel like they're just barely getting by....always juggling things whether it's time, family, job, money, play, etc. Are there people who are so together that they're on time for everything AND totally zen and relaxed because they're that organized and efficient and on top of it all? Or are people like that rare? Seriously!

Thanksgiving holiday was especially special. There's so much to be thankful for. And now there are some leftovers in my freezer from Thanksgiving dinner, which will help feed me in the coming weeks and keep me warmed inside and out.

My endocrine appt was okay, and I think that most importantly for me right now, it finally resulted in the scheduling/ordering of a lab test that my sister had been urging me to have them do since last winter (esp. since she was surprised no one did that particular test when I went earlier this year).

It's time for me to get crafty again. I haven't done any serious knitting or crocheting since last winter, but there are a few projects I've lined up for the holidays, and possibly beyond. My ravelry profile says that I'm a "yarn snob on a grad school budget". Although you can substitute the word "grad school" with "postdoc" or "researcher", the story is much the same. Crafts can be expensive hobbies, especially when you're newly graduated, with a debt-load of educational loans to pay off. But I think it, and the newly cold weather, and the music I've got fired up on my computer here will help relax me and have already gotten me thinking of the holidays. The question is whether or not the projects will get done in time to be Christmas gifts, or just winter hobbies.

I have a few entries that I've had cooking in my mind but have placed on the backburner for my other blog. But I will for sure try to post pictures there if I make any pretty things. Wish me luck as I attempt to make Swedish/Norwegian fair isle (multi-colored) mittens.

3:14 p.m. ::
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