Unravel Me

Keep on truckin'

It's after 1 am. What the hell am I doing still up at this hour? What on earth am I doing eating a bowl of soup at this hour?!

Here's what. First, I've been running on empty as far as sleep goes AND as far as food goes. I've been truckin' non stop, and there are many miles to go before I sleep. Everyone is right. That last push to get the dissertation written is ugly.

I've typed a total of 218 pages. I'm not sure if this is the final count or not, but I that's a ballpark figure of what it will be. I am trying to now go through everything with a fine tooth comb to make sure the formatting is right, and then try to merge the documents and hope it doesn't screw up the very specific formatting the university specifies in terms of margins, etc.

I am probably going to be awake for another few hours if my 36 year old body doesn't hit a wall tonight. I'm probably running on adrenaline, though.

218 pages. I am so tired. They weren't kidding when they said it was an endurance test. I can't wait to be done. *deep breaths*

1:07 a.m. ::
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